Monday, June 30, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Mematuhi peraturan jalan raya sebahagian ibadat

Oleh Mohd Shukri Hanapi
Berita Harian, 8-Oktober-2007
Setiap agama tidak kira samawi atau duniawi sebaliknya mempunyai kepercayaan masing-masing dalam mentaati undang-undang dan peraturan. Undang-undang dan peraturan dibuat agar dipatuhi.
Kemalangan di jalan raya amat tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan kemalangan di dalam industri. Keperihatinan terhadap kemalangan jalan raya ini mestilah dipertingkatkan. Tidak guna kita bersungguh-sungguh dan mengambil-berat terhadap segala aspek keselamatan di dalam kilang tetapi kita alpa apabila berada di atas jalan raya.
Penjelasan selanjutnya dalam artikel “Hukum Mematuhi Peraturan Jalan Raya” boleh dirujuk dalam laman http://saifulislam.com.
Aktiviti JAS Perak

Saya tidak pasti negeri lain sama ada Rakan Alam Sekitar anjuran JAS Negeri ini turut diperkenalkan juga. Bagaimanapun saya memang mengenali rapat Tuan Hj. Abu Hassan Mohd. Isa, Pengarah Negeri, JAS Perak ini.
Di bawah pimpinan Tuan Haji Abu Hassan, pelbagai aktiviti anjuran JAS Perak yang telah telah dan bakal diadakan dengan melibatkan sama ada pihak industri, sekolah dan orang ramai bermatlamatkan ke arah kesedaran persekitaran yang lebih sihat.
Saya sendiri telah berberapa kali dijemput membantu JAS Perak, semenjak awal 2000 dalam pelbagai aktiviti dengan kebanyakannya menjurus kepada ”treasure hunt”.
Antara lain yang pernah dianjurkan oleh JAS Perak ialah, Hari Komuniti, Pertandingan Bowling, Memancing, Kempen Cintai Sungai dan sebagainya. Perlawaan mendaki Gunung Kinabalu (antara gunung yang belum saya daki) oleh Tuan Haji sendiri terpaksa saya tolak kerana baru menjawat jawatan Pengurus Kilang di Tasek Cement ketika itu.
Tak pernah duduk diam pegawai-pegawai Tuan Haji ini berkejar ke sana-sini dengan aktiviti-aktiviti sebegini.
Terbaru iaitu hari Isnin lepas, saya menerima sms dari salah seorang pegawainya meminta saya mengelolakan satu lagi aktiviti ”treasure hunt” di tahun ini pada bulan Ogos nanti.
Saya belum memberi jawapan tetapi setiap tahun bulan Ogos dan September adalah ”bulan aktiviti terpadat saya”. Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) sudah menempah saya untuk ”treasure hunt” dan ”motor fair” sempena konvo mereka semenjak dari awal tahun lagi. Beberapa IPTA dan IPTS juga telah merisik saya. Ini tak termasuk aktiviti-aktiviti sempena bulan Kemerdekaan peringkat Daerah dan Negeri, serta mungkin juga peringkat Kebangsaan.
Ini tidak termasuk beberapa proposal trek sementara acara Cub Prix yang perlu saya siapkan untuk Kerajaan Negeri Terengganu dan Negeri Kedah. Terbaru, saya dijemput untuk bersama-sama dalam satu acara Off Road 4x4 dan Motocross di bawah kerajaan baru Negeri Kedah ini, yang dijadualkan pada penghujung Ogos juga.
Seperti saya sirat dalam blog lama saya, bulan Ogos dan September serta November dan Disember adalah bulan-bulan di mana boleh dikira hari saya berada di rumah saya di Taiping. Mujurlah anak dan isteri amat memahami saya. Malah kalau berkesempatan mereka berdua akan saya bawa bersama di setiap aktiviti-aktiviti ini.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Why do you need email etiquette?
A company needs to implement etiquette rules for the following three reasons:
1. Professionalism: by using proper email language your company will convey a professional image.
2. Efficiency: emails that get to the point are much more effective than poorly worded emails.
3. Protection from liability: employee awareness of email risks will protect your company from costly law suits.
What are the etiquette rules?
There are many etiquette guides and many different etiquette rules. Some rules will differ according to the nature of your business and the corporate culture. Below we list what we consider as the 32 most important email etiquette rules that apply to nearly all companies.
32 most important email etiquette tips:
- Be concise and to the point
- Answer all questions, and pre-empt further questions
- Use proper spelling, grammar & punctuation
- Make it personal
- Use templates for frequently used responses
- Answer swiftly
- Do not attach unnecessary files
- Use proper structure & layout
- Do not overuse the high priority option
- Do not write in CAPITALS
- Don't leave out the message thread
- Add disclaimers to your emails
- Read the email before you send it
- Do not overuse Reply to All
- Mailings - use the bcc: field or do a mail merge
- Take care with abbreviations and emoticons
- Be careful with formatting
- Take care with rich text and HTML messages
- Do not forward chain letters
- Do not request delivery and read receipts
- Do not ask to recall a message.
- Do not copy a message or attachment without permission
- Do not use email to discuss confidential information
- Use a meaningful subject
- Use active instead of passive
- Avoid using URGENT and IMPORTANT
- Avoid long sentences
- Don't send or forward emails containing libelous, defamatory, offensive, racist or obscene remarks
- Don't forward virus hoaxes and chain letters
- Keep your language gender neutral
- Don't reply to spam
- Use cc: field sparingly
Monday, June 23, 2008
Topi keselamatan dan kasut keselamatan, seragam wajib di tapak pembinaan

Gambar adalah Ahli Parlimen Titiwangsa Dr Lo' Lo' Ghazali sewaktu membuat lawatan ke tapak Kompleks Pasar Keramat pada pagi isnin 23 Jun 2008.
Beliau mengenakan topi keselamatan semasa lawatan tersebut, bagaimanapun berkemungkinan besar kasut yang digunakannya bukanlah kasut keselamatan (safety but). Saya katakan “berkemungkinan” kerana di dalam pasaran sekarang terdapat kasut keselamatan yang menyerupai kasut sukan.
Dalam hal ini, saya tidak menyalahkan Ahli Parlimen Titiwangsa. Mungkin beliau hanya diberikan topi keselamatan sahaja tanpa kasut keselamatan. Malah mungkin juga kasut keselamatan yang diberikan kepadanya (jika ada) tidak sesuai dari segi saiz ataupun jantina pemakainya.
Malah pegawai yang berdiri di sebelah Ahli Parlimen Titiwangsa ini, yang mungkin wakil pengurusan syarikat pembinaan ataupun pihak berkuasa tempatan, juga tidak memakai kasut keselamatan.
Sebagai pemimpin, anda adalah contoh teladan untuk masyarakat. Lebih-lebih lagi gambar anda akan menjadi tatapan mereka.
13A Safety Plug Key
13A Safety Plug Key
Akhirnya saya berjaya mendapat penutup punca kuasa elektrik pada dinding ini atau nama tepatnya adalah “13A Safety Plug Key”. Seorang pelajar saya telah membelinya di kedai berhampiran tempat tinggalnya.
Ramai juga yang menghubungi saya. Penutup ini juga turut dijual di Tesco tetapi bukan dipamerkan di bahagian elektrik ataupun bahagian “hardware”, ianya terdapat di barangan perkakasan dapur (utensil)!
Pada pandangan saya sebagai pengamal OSH, penutup ini tidak begitu sesuai dalam bentuk berwarna-warna. Ia boleh mendatangkan minat kepada anak kecil untuk mengambilnya.
Bagaimanapun jika di rumah anda ada anak kecil dan punca kuasa elektrik di dinding dipasang di bahagian menghampirii lantai, penutup ini adalah kemestian.
Nota: Sekarang saya mencari “plastic cover” untuk suis lampu bilik air.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Collection from Hotels


I have collected a lot of tiny containers of soap, shampoo and lotion from various hotels (Malaysia and Asia) for many years. Also at the same time I kept all hand outs or pamphlets.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
OSH in School
8 Julai 2008 (Selasa)
Tempat : Dewan Tun Dr. Ismail, PWTC
Program 3 :
Majlis Pelancaran Kempen Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan di Sekolah-sekolah Peringkat Kebangsaan
Perasmi : Y.B. Menteri Pelajaran
Masa : 8.30 pagi hingga 10.30 pagi
Tujuan : Melancarkan secara rasmi Kempen KKP di sekolah-sekolah yang merangkumi aktiviti :
i. Kajiselidik KKP di sekolah-sekolah;
ii. Kursus Kesedaran KKP di sekolah-sekolah yang akan diadakan di 13 negeri pada 2008; dan,
iii. Edaran 3 jenis poster aspek keselamatan dan kesihatan di sekolah kepada semua sekolah rendah dan menengah di seluruh negara.
Program 4 :
Seminar Keselamatan dan Kesihatan di Sekolah-sekolah
Masa : 10.30 pagi hingga 2.00 petang
Sasaran Peserta : Guru sekolah rendah dan menengah, pegawai pendidikan daerah
Tujuan : Mempromosi aspek keselamatan dan kesihatan di sekolah-sekolah
Aktiviti : Pembentangan kertas kerja oleh 3 orang panel dari JKKP, NIOSH dan PERKESO
Sebelum ini pada 11 Jun 2008 : "Buku Panduan Program Keselamatan & Kesihatan Pekerjaan di Sekolah" telah dirasmikan pelancaran oleh Y. B Dato Noraini Ahmad, Timbalan Menteri Sumber Manusia di Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Sri Gombak 2.
Selected OSH Messages
- Safety NOW, Means No Accidents Later
- Safety Has No Quitting Time, Practice
- Safety, The Measure of Success
- Safety, It's Not Automatic, Think About It
- Tell Me - I Forget, Show Me - I Remember
- Chance Takers Are Accident Makers
- ANGER is One Letter Away From DANGER
- Safety Is Our Mission, Not An Intermission
- Safety Comes In Cans, I Can, You Can
- Don't Let Small Injuries Grow, Get Treatment
- Our Aim No Accidents
- Let's Cut Out Injuries
- The Best Safety Device? A Safe Worker
- The Safe Way? The Right Way
- Make Time For Safety
- Safety Is Our #1 Goal Each and Every Day
- Your Safety is Important to All of Us
- Think Safety
- Get in S.T.E.P. Safety Takes Every Person
- Responsibility is Taken, Not Given. Take.
- Keep Your Eyes on Safety All the Time
- Take Safety to Heart - We Need You
- Accept Nothing Less Than Your Best
- Safety is Everyone's Business
- Play It Safe, Don't Strike Out With Safety
- Working Safely Together Requires Teamwork
Updated: 18-June-2008
Click here for; Why we need OSH Messages?Why we need OSH Messages?
Why we need safety message?
The following article is the answer.
Safety training is essential to help train employees to think and behave safely on the job. One way to keep employees thoughts focused on safety is with daily safety messages.
Why use Daily Safety Messages?
Some employees come to a new job with more safety or survival sense than other employees. Regard-less of past work experiences, a person coming into a new job needs to be taught the safe way of doing things while all employees need to be reminded. The long term objective of safety training is to help employees learn and implement safety on the job. Safety meetings and safety training can help ingrain the safety behavior needed for the job. Adding daily safety messages to your safety training can help bridge the time between in-depth training meetings and help employees retain what they’ve learned.
Benefits of Daily Safety Messages
1. Reinforce the safe behavior that is needed to do the job safely.
2. Supplement safety training and safety meeting information, helping to “drive safety behavior home.”
3. Provide an opportunity for continuous safety review.
4. Create greater safety awareness through specific focused safety reminders.
5. Provide focus on loss prevention areas of concern.
6. Allow opportunities to give information on new safety rules and regulations.
Approaches to Daily Safety Messages Content
You might ask, “What can I possibly talk about each day? My employees will get bored. Do I have time to even try to come up with a new topic every day?” Whatever the concern, there are various approaches to providing daily safety messages. These include:
The Holistic Approach: The holistic approach teaches safety in all areas, not just the job task.
In this approach, anything on safe behavior, or a safe way of doing things can be the daily safety message. For example, a supervisor may one day remind the crewmembers to drive home safely.
The Task-Oriented Approach: This approach helps to concentrate the workers’ minds on the job activity. This approach is widely used and has the merit of helping the employee to follow procedures exactly. This approach is good for complex processes an often is found in the way of procedure sheets that are checked off as the process is carried out.
The Topic Approach: Yet another approach is to concentrate on a specific message over a period of days. This allows the training to give brief safety messages on a topic that otherwise would tie workers up away from production time. Instead of giving a detailed message that may be forgotten in a few days, a brief daily safety message can help in retention of the training.
Coming up with a List of Daily Safety Messages
Coming up with a list does not have to be difficult. Resources are found all around you. Some of these resources include:
1. Use of the Accident Loss Report – find out what kinds of accidents are occurring, how they are occurring, what body parts are being injured, what preventative measures can be taken, etc. Then prepare a list of safety messages that can be given to help prevent the injuries that you have been experiencing
2. Use of Prior Safety Bulletins – what topics have helped create new procedures, safety messages, and bulletins. Make a list of these topics.
3. Use of Worker Experience – invite the workers who are intimately experienced with their tasks and work environment to come up with lists of safety items, safety concerns and necessary discussion topics. Review these items and prepare a list.
4. Use of Supervisor Experience – invite supervisors to come up with their lists of safety favorites, safety concerns and “should do’s.” Develop a master list for all to use.
5. Use of Procedures - Review procedures, list where errors have occurred, and steps to improve upon.
These topics can go a long way to better production, and better safety.
Length of Time for Daily Safety Messages
The length of time to allot for the presentation of daily safety messages varies according to budget allowances, time limitations, goals of the safety program, etc. A daily safety message may be as brief as a one line safety reminder. Whatever you decide to do, keep in mind you are trying to reinforce safe behavior and keep safety in the minds of employees.
When to have Daily Safety Messages
A good time to have safety messages is at the beginning of each shift. Whether you give the safety message at the beginning of the shift day or at some other time, it is important to give the safety message while the workers are away from their regular tasks. Give them an opportunity just to think about safety.
Ways to Present Daily Safety Messages
Ways to give the daily safety message can be as varied as your creativity. Talking to the crewmembers in person works well; however, you may not be able to get everyone together for a presentation. Some other methods for giving a daily safety message include:
2. Give a list of safety messages to supervisors and let them give a message each day.
3. Post safety meeting messages by time clocks.
4. Have dispatchers give a daily safety message to each driver.
5. Attach a safety message to drivers’ trip folders.
6. Present the safety message over the public address system.
7. Use a calendar with a different safety message posted per day.
8. Hand out a list of safety messages that employees can sign off on as they read.
A Sample Daily Safety Message List
This sample list is presented as an example. The message may also be developed into a longer message for a daily safety session.
*Keep exits clear.
*Clean up grease, spills, slick spots quickly.
*Watch out for sharp corners and edges.
*Never carry anyone on the forklift forks.
*Look around your equipment before your start-up.
*Don’t twist your back while lifting.
*Hang your coat on a hook, not the fire extinguishers.
*Do you know where the fire extinguishers are located?
*Pay attention to what you are doing.
*Don’t’ pass under or reach under a raised load.
*Do you know the hazards of the chemical product you are using?
*There’s no limit to what you can lose if you are unsafe.
*Watch out fro your co-workers
Whether brief or long, daily safety message have helped companies change behaviour and reinforce safe practices.
Try it.
OSHE Bulletin, June 2008

Saya menatap OSHE Bulletin, keluaran Jun 2008 yang diusahakan oleh Prof. Madya Abdul Shukor ini di ruang legar NIOSH, Bangi dua minggu lepas. Kandungannya padat dengan hal-hal berkaitan OSHE. Beberapa hari kemudiannya juga saya menerima email yang bersertakan buletin ini dalam format MS Word.
Ingin saya cadangkan kepada Prof. Madya Abdul Shukor untuk menerbitkannya juga dalam bentuk internet. Mungkin blog sebagai alternatif. Sekurang-kuranyanya tidak banyak kertas sebagai sumber alam digunapakai. Malah kalau disimpan dalam file PDF lebih mudah diedarkan ataupun untuk dicetak semula.
Seperti yang pernah saya katakan dalam Manafaat Blog, (http://manafaatblog.blogspot.com/) paparan bercetak juga masih perlu. Terutama kepada pekerja bawahan yang tidak ada fasiliti internet. Paparan bercetak sebegini sesuai untuk dipamerkan di ruang legar, papan kenyataan umum dan kawasan-kawasan laluan pekerja dan juga yang menjadi tumpuan.
Kepada Prof. Madya Abdul Shukor, saya mengucapkan syabas di atas usaha-usaha murni Prof. Madya untuk berkongsi ilmu OSHE dengan kami semua.
Klik di sini untuk kesemua lapan mukasurat OSHE Bulletin June 2008 ini.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Structured atau OSH?

".....very structured man i ever known”, tulis rakan sejawat saya di dalam emailnya sebagai mengambarkan diri saya. Saya tanyanya kembali melalui email; apakah yang dimaksudkan “structured”.
“structured personality dalam kaunseling = teratur, proper, plan well”, email yang diterima kemudian menjelaskannya.
Saya merasakan “structured”nya diri saya ini adalah warisan daripada ayah saya.
Terima kasih bapa kerana mewariskannya kepada saya. Saya juga berdoa agar saya akan mewariskannya juga kepada anak saya.
Bukan untuk membanggakan diri, sekadar untuk berkongsi manafaat. Gambar-gambar di atas adalah antara ciri-ciri ”structured” yang saya warisi dari ayah dan kini saya mengamalkannya.
1. Semua anak kunci berlabel dan dipadankan dengan rak kunci yang juga berlabel.
2. Semua laci dapur mempunyai ruang khas yang diperbuat dari kertas kotak. Ruang khas boelh dibeli di Ikea tetapi saya lebih suka membuatnya sendiri mengikut saiz laci.
3. Semua laci almari di pejabat, di rumah (bilik saya dan bilik anak saya) mempunyai ruang khas ini.
4. Semua suis-suis lampu dan kipas berlabel kedudukannya.
5. Semua wayar-wayar peralatan elektrik seperti cerek, periuk nasi dan tv akan dilabelkan. Malah saya turut melabelkan kesemua peralatan komputer dan pencetak.
6. Banyak lagi ”perapian” ayah saya seperti menggunakan kotak yang sama saiz, berlabel dan ditebuk lubang sisi sebagai ruang jari untuk memudahkan diangkat, dan sebagainya akan saya ceritakan di masa-masa mendatang
Berikut adalah antara barangan yang mesti ada pada ayah saya yang kini menjadi barangan kesukaan saya;
1. Permanent Marker Pen (Artline)
2. Masking Tape
Saya menambahnya dengan dua lagi barangan;
1. Cable Tie (besar dan kecil)
2. Zipper Plastic Bag.
Semua ini diajar (dipaksa ?) oleh ayah saya semenjak kami tiga beradik kecil lagi. Saya langsung tidak menghargainya malah membenci pula ayah saya kerana kerapiannya ini. Kebencian ini saya siratkan dalam blog saya; http://orangkecilorangbesar.blogspot.com/.
Apabila saya mula bekerja di dalam industri perkilangan, saya diperkenalkan dengan Sistem Housekeeping 5S yang menjadi kebanggaan negara matahari terbit itu.
Saya terkedu apabila mengenangkan Sistem Housekeeping 5S ini telah lama diperkenalkan oleh ayah saya. Mungkin ayah sendiri tidak tahu apa itu Sistem Housekeeping 5S tetapi semua intipati 5S itu adalah menjadi darah-daging ayah selama ini.
Baru saya sedar apa yang cuba diwariskan ayah kepada diri saya. Mungkinkah ayah sudah menjangka saya akan bekerja di dalam industri yang cuba menerapkan dan mengamalkan Sistem Housekeeping 5S ini ?
Atau ayah sudah menjangka saya akan menjadi pengajar OSH yang mana saya sendiri perlu membuktikan bahawa salah satunya saya akan mengamalkan Sistem Housekeeping 5S ini sebelum saya mengajarnya kepada orang lain ?
Lumrah semasa hari pemeriksaaan, Bhg. 2
Semasa membuat lawatan dalam kampus, Pengarah menyaksikan sendiri bagaimana pekerja yang menyenggarakan kebersihan jalan raya di dalam kampus hanya mengenakan vest keselamatan tetapi tidak ada kon keselamatan di tempat kerja mereka. Sedangkan pekerja-pekerja ini setiap hari lengkap dengan vest dan kon keselamatan semasa bekerja. Hendak dijadikan cerita, mereka tidak menggunakan kon semasa lawatan Pengarah DOSH Kedah/Perli tersebut.
Gambar-gambar di atas diambil pagi tadi. Inilah kebiasaan sebenarnya yang diamalkan oleh pekerja-pekerja penyenggaraan ini. Malangnya tidak pada hari pengauditan DOSH!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Day 3 Material SMH 5263 OSH MS (Prai)
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Makanan segera yang lebih sihat (dan selamat)?
Kenny Roger Roasters dengan slogan; Less Fat, Less Salt, Less Calories.
Kini di Sungai Petani, ada RFC, Radix Fried Chicken, menggunakan ayam organik yang diternak sendiri HPA yang dijamin bebas daripada vaksin kerana menggunakan herba sebagai makanannya.
HPA buka restoran
Oleh Zainuddin Zain
Metro ruangan Bisnes Isnin 25-Feb-2008
HPA Industries Sdn Bhd (HPA) melangkah setapak lagi dalam visinya menyediakan produk halal dan berkualiti kepada orang ramai apabila membuka restoran pertamanya, Radix Fried Chicken (RFC), semalam.
“RFC adalah jawapan kepada pelbagai masalah yang membelenggu masyarakat kebelakangan ini, terutama ayam yang dikhuatiri disuntik vaksin haiwan seperti babi yang bukan saja haram kepada umat Islam, tetapi berbahaya kepada kesihatan manusia keseluruhannya.
RFC turut menyediakan minuman Kopi Radix, Cola Radix, Sarsi Radix selain jus roselle dan mangga.
AMD Fathers' Day Crime Buster Walkathon
Berikut adalah diemailkan oleh seorang pelajar MOSH saya dari AMD, Penang. Seringkali saya syorkan kepada pelajar-pelajar saya sentiasa “happening-kan” aktiviti-aktiviti yang berkaitan dengan keselamatan dan kesihatan. Pada masa yang sama cuba kaitkan dengan hal-hal semasa. Aktiviti-aktiviti sebeginilah yang saya maksudkan.
DOSH dan NIOSH Penang pernah menganjurkan OSH Run beberapa tahun yang lalu. Begitu juga DOSH Putrajaya dan NIOSH Bangi pada tahun ini.
Saya juga beberapa kali membantu DOE Perak dalam penganjuran ”Treasure Hunt” dengan bertemakan Persekitaran.
Semoga aktiviti-aktiviti ini lebih banyak dirancang, diadakan dan lebih ”happening” di masa-masa mendatang.

AMD is one of the main sponsor for the coming "FATHERS' DAY "CRIMEBUSTERS WALKATHON" on Sat 14th June 2008 2.30pm to 6.30pm at Youth Park.
Tuan Yang Terutama Tun Dato' Seri Utama (Dr.) Haji Abdul Rahman bin Haji Abbas will officiate the event and in attendance: YAB Tuan Lim Guan Eng, Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang.
AMDers, (need not be fathers nor mothers) can sign up by paying RM10 for registration (charity) for the walk and you can bring along relatives, friends, childrens, etc...
Every RM 10 ringgit registered will entitled you to a free T-shirt which should be worn on that day of the 2km walk from Youth Park to Botanical Garden & back.
One of the main objectives of holding this event is to highlight the role of fathers and to encourage them to play a greater role in the sharing of responsibilities within the family. In our very busy lifestyles, the role of looking after the welfare of the children often falls on the mothers and other care givers like grandparents & maids. We would like fathers to step up and ensure that their wifes and children are living in a safe and healthy environment. When fathers take an active role in protecting their families, we can hope that the atrocities committed against the innocent, and more so against those with learning disabilities, would be reduced in Penang and in society at large.
This program is part of the Penang Down Syndrome Association fund raising campaign and jointly organised by PDSA and Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang.
AMDers together with the BBTS committee will be proudly walking with the AMD designed banner which will be registered for the "Banner design competition for that day.
Come One, Come All...
AMD Boleh !
Father..father...father helps us,
Where is the love? Where is the love?
Leong CC
Where is The Love - Black Eyed Peas
What's wrong with the world mama?
I think the whole worlds addicted to the drama
Only attracted to the things that bring you trauma
Overseas yeah we tryin to stop terrorism
But we still got terrorists here livin
In the USA the big CIA the Bloodz and the Crips and the KKK
But if you only have love for your own race
Then you only leave space to discriminate
And to discriminate only generates hate
And if you hatin you're bound to get irate
Yeah madness is what you demonstrate
And that's exactly how anger works and operates
You gotta have love just to set it straight
Take control of your mind and meditate
Let your soul gravitate to the love y'all
People killing people dying
Children hurtin you hear them crying
Can you practice what you preach
Would you turn the other cheek?
Father Father Father help us
Send some guidance from above
Cause people got me got me questioning
Where is the love?(where is the lovex3)(the love2x)
It just ain't the same all ways have changed
New days are strange is the world the insane?
If love and peace so strong
Why are there pieces of love that don't belong
Nations dropping bombs
Chemical gases filling lungs of little ones
With ongoing sufferingAs the youth die young
So ask yourself is the loving really strong?
So I can ask myself really what is going wrong
With this world that we living in
People keep on giving in
Makin wrong decisions
Only visions of them livin and
Not respecting each other
Deny thy brother
The wars' going on but the reasons' undercover
The truth is kept secret
Swept under the rug
If you never know truth
Then you never know love
Where's the love y'all?(I don't know)
Where's the truth y'all?(I don't know)
Where's the love y'all?
People killing people dying
Children hurtin you hear them crying
Can practice what you preach
Would you turn the other cheek?
Father father father help us
Send some guidance from above
Cause people got me got me questioning
Where is the love?(where is the lovex3)(the lovex2)
I feel the weight of the world on my shoulder
As I'm getting older y'all people get colder
Most of us only care about money makin
Selfishness got us followin the wrong direction
Wrong information always shown by the media
Negative images is the main criteria
Infecting their young minds faster than bacteria
Kids wanna act like what the see in the cinema
Whatever happened to the values of humanity
Whatever happened to the fairness and equality
Instead of spreading love, we're spreading anomosity
Lack of understanding, leading us away from unity
That's the reason why sometimes
I'm feeling under
That's the reason why sometimes
I'm feeling down
It's no wonder why sometimes
I'm feeling under
I gotta keep my faith alive, until love is found
People killing people dying
Children hurtin you hear them crying
Can you practice what you preach
Would you turn the other cheek?
Father Father Father help us
Send some guidance from above
Cause people got me got me questioning
Where is the love?(fade)
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Power point protector cover

I have been looking every where for this gadget (plastic power point protector cover).
I am too interested in getting this gadget. Is it available any where in the KL, Ipoh or Penang?
I’ve done a big search and can’t find them available any where. If anybody knows where I can buy this gadget, please email me at lukmanw@uum.edu.my
Lumrah semasa hari pemeriksaan, Bhg. 1
Semasa saya di Silverstone, Taiping dahulu, pihak Bomba Ipoh datang membuat pemeriksaan untuk kelulusan Fire Certificate. Pemeriksaan dokumentasi, storan bahan bahaya, peralatan mencegah kebakaran seperti sistem penggera, hydrant, hosereel dan alat pemadam api mudah alih berjalan lancar.
Pemeriksaan terakhir ialah Rumah Pam. Rumah Pam ini disenggara khas oleh chargeman dan ditetapkan ujian berkala setiap minggu untuk semua motor-motor pam seperti jockey pump, duty pump dan standby pump (diesel).
Malangnya pada hari pemeriksaan tersebut, standby pump tidak mahu ”hidup” secara automatik apabila tekanan air telah turun melebihi paras yang ditetapkan! Sedangkan sehari sebelum itu dan pada awal paginya juga (pemeriksaan pada pukul 11.30 pagi), chargeman yang bertugas telah menggujinya dan mendapati semua motor-motor pam berada dalam keadaan memuaskan.
Keputusannya; pemeriksaan gagal dan perlu memohon untuk pemeriksaan semula.
Perkara yang hampir sama berlaku di Celestica, Kulim Hi-Tech, pihak AELB (Atomic Energy Licensing Board) datang membuat pemeriksaan terhadap mesin x-ray dan mendapati tali perentang menandakan kawasan beroperasi tidak dikenakan. Sedangkan pagi tersebut tali perentang itu masih ada di tempatnya tetapi telah diubah untuk membolehkan troli produk dibawa masuk dan tidak dipasang semula.
Di Tasek Cement, Ipoh, sekali lagi pihak Bomba Ipoh tidak berpuas hati terhadap pemeriksaan Fire Certificate kerana Standby Pump (gambar atas) tidak dapat dihidupkan secara automatik. Sama seperti kejadiaan di Silverstone beberapa tahun sebelumnya. Sedangkan pada seawal 8 pagi, saya sendiri (berdasarkan pengalaman semasa di Silverstone) bersama-sama juruteknik kejuruteraan telah membuat pengujian dan mendapati semua motor-motor pam berada di dalam keadaan yang memuaskan.
Hari ini semasa kunjungan hormat dan pengauditan am pihak DOSH di jabatan saya berjalan lancar. Sehinggalah semasa tinjauan di kawasan persekitaran kampus.
Acapkali saya melahirkan kebanggaan (kepada sesiapa jua) melihatkan pekerja-pekerja penyenggaraan jalan raya seperti menyapu sampah dan memotong rumput di dalam kampus ini yang sentiasa mengenakan vest lutsinar dan kon penanda jalan.
Malangnya pada hari ini, di hadapan Pengarah dan Timbalan Pengarah DOSH Kedah ini, pekerja-pekerja ini hanya mengenakan vest keselamatan tetapi tidak nampak satu kon pun di sepanjang jalan yang disenggarakan oleh mereka!
Apa yang difikirkan oleh Pengarah dan Timbalan Pengarah DOSH Kedah ini sedangkan sebelumnya saya sudahpun memaklumkan langkah-langkah keselamatan yang diamalkan oleh pekerja-pekerja penyenggaraan ini setiap kali mereka menyapu atau memotong rumput di jalanan?
Adakah kejadian-kejadian ketidakpatuhan (non – compliance) menjadi lumrah semasa hari pemeriksaan pihak berkuasa?
Adakah perlu ingatan, ingatan dan ingatan (ingatan terakhir)?
Adakah perlu diuji, diuji dan diuji (ujian terakhir)?
Atau pendulikan sahaja di hari-hari biasa dan bersedia ”secukup-cukupnya” untuk hari pemeriksaan sahaja?
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Danger of Energy Saving Bulb

An energy saving bulb has gone - evacuate the room now!
By Martin Delgado, Daily Mail, UK
Danger: The new eco-friendly bulbs contain toxic mercury (above picture)
Energy-saving light bulbs are so dangerous that everyone must leave the room for at least 15 minutes if one falls to the floor and breaks, a Government department warned yesterday. The startling alert came as health experts also warned that toxic mercury inside the bulbs can aggravate a range of problems including migraines and dizziness. A leading dermatologist said tens of thousands of people with skin complaints will find it hard to tolerate being near the bulbs as they cause conditions such as eczema to flare up.
None of this advice, however, is printed on the packaging the new-style bulbs are sold in. There are also worries over how the bulbs will be disposed of.
Under new regulations for hazardous waste, councils are obliged to recycle them. At present, they should be placed in special bins also used for batteries at a council dump. But in future, councils will have to provide a collection service or install special recycling banks for the bulbs.
It's ironic that at a time when we can't get mercury thermometers any more we are now to have mercury light bulbs forced upon us. Inhaling hot mercury vapour from a smashed bulb is poisonous and can cause a lot of harm. Some people are very sensitive to mercury and even a tiny amount can cause them damage.
- Thalia, London
These are the light bulbs that are going to save the planet are they?
And they want us to use these?? I think I'd rather pay a higher electricity bill. I had no idea they contained mercury. First thing in the morning I shall remove all energy saving bulbs and replace them with a tungsten one...and then I'm going to start stockpiling!
- June, Prestwick, Ayrshire
So what's new? We've known this about fluorescent tubes for years. Oh, did Gordy boy and his highly paid advisors think that miniature tubes were different? Better back-track Gordy my boy if you don't want to pollute our planet!
- Mark R, Coventry UK
It is only a few months ago there was a story on the local news that manufacturers of mercury-based barometers were to be outlawed under european regulations banning the use of said mercury. So what is the government doing making these low energy bulbs compulsory?
I'm ditching mine and going back to normal ones, who stupid idea was this? They have to review this before something dreadful happens. We should all refuse to use them although I've been using them for some time and never felt so lousy.
- S Jones, England
Why does it have to be either good for saving energy, or good for the environment? Why can't we have our cake and it it too!
Back to the drawing board?
- Pattie, Canoga Park, California USA
Whowever created that sign at the Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs is a total idiot, they have put the symbol for radiation on it(mercury is not radioactive), rather than the biohazard symbol. Just goes to show they are still as incompetent as ever.
- Stephen, St. Ives
Em, how do you dispose of the mercury that will seep everywhere?
- Dorothy Quinlan, Angeles City Republic of the Philippines
Environmentally friendly? If the general public had been informed correctly about the use of mercury in these new bulbs, we would never have bought the rotten things. WHAT A STUPID IDEA TO USE MERCURY!
Next they will probably replace the mercury with uranium... or benzene... or asbestos... or....- Richard, Stevenage, England
Merely sweeping up the debris won't sweep up the mercury since it too dense to be swept. And if it spills on a wood or carpeted floor the mercury will fall into the cracks.
The mercury must be chemically reacted to form a non-toxic dust which can be vacuumed up. The vacuum cleaner must have a HEPA (High efficiency particulate arrestance] filer to trap any minute unreacted particles of mercury.
- Ross, Hubbard Woods, Illinois, USA
People should stop buying them until they come up with safe ones.
- A Walker, Bradford
I said this the other day! These things are a hazard. We should all refuse to use them if they become a 'legal' requirement. I, for one, would never use them, they are a menace. How are elderly people (for example) going to cope with them. They should be banned, right now!
I'm glad the Daily Mail is at least making more people aware of the dangers of these things.
Don?t sound so enviromentally friendly to me.
- David, UK
How can it be environmentally friendly if mercury poisoning might occur? What happened to safety first? The old fashioned bulb would not need to have the room evacuated if it breaks. If this supposedly environmentally friendly bulb is not user friendly, then what is the POINT? The costs of using such a bulb is not economically or even environmentally viable to all the households in the country. The govt has shown itself to be fried...probably broke a few of these environmentally friendly bulbs in Parliament. The whole lot of them have totally become lame brained.
- Marianne, expat, Malaysia
Lighting is a very small part of the total electrical load. Banning incandescent lamps in favour of fluorescents will make very little difference. if people want to use fluorescent lamps let them, but don't ban incandescent lamps. it is intersting that when the USA, & Canada extended daylight saving period recently to save energy. no savings were attained.- Jim Brennand, Regina Canada
If this is all true - why then is this Government making these light bulbs a specific requirement for the issuing of a HIPPS certificate?
- Chris B, Yarm
This has always been the case with fluorescent tubes.
- Tony King, Prayssac, France
Can't be very good for the environment then, can they?
- Renee, Melbourne Australia
With the price of electricity about to go through the roof and these lightbulbs being hazardous I think I will go back to candles!
- Gill, Ramsgate, Kent
I can't come to candles
Plus too many commments to list.
Is truth that Fluorescent bulbs are dangerous for health and also contains a significant amount of mercury?
Member since: March 30, 2007
Total points: 13571 (Level 6)
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
Yes - they are not healthy. A study in the 1980s showed that (unfortunately it isn't online). After the study, a school district in Canada decided to test it for themselves. The replaced all the fluorescent lighting with a more natural form light bulb. GPAs when up, absenteeism went down, even among the teachers. Full Spectrum Lighting is a better choice. It contains the spectrum the human body needs to function properly. See articles about it at http://www.mercola.com

Be Careful while eating apples
You might be surprised especially apples from USA and other parts are more than one year old, though it would look fresh. Becox wax is coated preventing bacteria to enter. So it does not get dry.
Related posting; Wash fruits carefully before eating, click here.
Dimana hendak dibuang tiub Flourescent ?
Semasa di Celestica Kulim Hi Tech, saya berjaya menambahsyarat kepada pembekal atau pembaiki utiliti elekterikal agar mengambil semula Flourescent Tube yang terpakai semasa mereka memasang Flourescent Tube yang baru. Amalan ini saya serapkan semasa menjadi pengurus di Tasek Cement di Ipoh.
Bagaimanapun saya difahamkan kini hanya syarikat-syarikat yang berdaftar dengan Jabatan Alam Sekitar sebagai pengumpul dan penyimpan barangan buangan berjadual Flourescent Tube sahaja yang boleh mengambil untuk tujuan perlupusan Flourescent Tubes ini. Kebanyakan pembekal atau pembaiki utiliti elektrik bukanlah syarikat yang berdaftar untuk tujuan pengumpulan dan penyimpanan barangan berjadual Flourescent Tubes ini.
Syarikat-syarikat besar seperti industri perkilangan tidak begitu bermasalah untuk mematuhi perundangan ini.
Persoalannya; bagaimana pula dengan kegunaan domestik dan jabatan kerajaan? Sebagai contoh gambar di atas saya ambil di sebuah bilik air jabatan kerajaan.
Perlaksanaan perundangan hendaklah meliputi semua organisasi, syarikat dan pengguna. Kita tidak mahu adannya dua standard dalam hal-hal sebegini. Keperihatinan terhadap alam sekitar perlu bermula dari dalam rumah pengguna, bukannya bermula dari dalam industri.
Sebagai cadangan, kerajaan melalui Jabatan Alam Sekitar perlu mengadakan pusat pengumpulan untuk barangan buangan berjadual Flourescent Tube ini. Untuk lebih effektif mungkin boleh diberikan rebet jika dikembalikan atau dihantar Flourescent Tube yang sudah terpakai ini.
Kesedaran juga perlu dipertingkatkan. Kempen Kitar Semula umpamanya yang melibatkan penggunaan tong-tong sampah yang berasingan agak mengecewakan kerana ada mereka yang terlibat dalam pengumpulan bersepadu bahan-bahan buangan ini mencampurkannya di dalam lori yang sama.
Kitar semula hari ini untuk generasi akan datang.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Tiada pengiktirafan
Berkuat kuasa 2 Mei 2008 Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan (JKKP) tidak akan meniktirafkan Pusat Latihan Pertolongan Cemas Di Tempat Kerja. Pihat industri bebas untuk memilih pusat latihan daripada mana-mana persatuan professional atau pertubuhan bukan kerajaan.
Industri boleh merujuk kepada garis panduan yang sedia ada iaitu ‘Guidelines on First-aid in the Workplace(2nd Edition) 2004’ yang dikeluarkan oleh Jabatan ini dengan tidak mengguna pakai Appendix 1 (Institutions recognized by the Department of Occupational Safety and Health, Ministry of Human Resources, for providing training on First –Aid in the Workplace. Appendix 2 (Course content for First-Aider) masih boleh dirujuk.
Semoga industri akan terus berjaya menyediakan tempat kerja yang selamat dan sihat.
Dr. Christine YSL
JKKP Ibupejabat
28 Mei 2008
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Adakah ini dinamakan takdir?

Anda di laluan yang betul
Anda mematuhi kelajuan yang ditetapkan
Anda mengenakan tali pinggang kaledar
Anda mengekori kereta dengan jarak yang sesuai
Anda memberi isyarat sebelum membelok
Anda dalam keadaan yang sihat dan sesuai untuk memandu
Tiba-tiba sebuah kereta lain terbabas dan melanggar tiang lampu
Tiang lampu ini jatuh betul-betul menghala ke cermin hadapan kereta anda
Anda tidak dapat mengelak dan berbuat apa-apa
Tiang lampu ini menghala ke muka anda...............
Blog's visitor from Bayern Munich

Yesterday and today are very busy days for me uploading all the materials of my teaching classes into this blog.
Actually all uploaded materials are exclusive to all MOSH UUM NIOSH Students 4th Batch (Prai) SMH 5263 OSH MS Course and 3rd Batch (KL) SMH 5253 ERM Course. But I don’t mind if my blog’s visitors (other than my students) download all these materials.
To me, the knowledge of OSH should be share among us. Especially all the knowledge resources came from God the Mighty and I’m just a messenger in this world.
By the way, from the tracker program installed in my blog, I just realized there is a person from Bayern Munich had downloaded all the materials both two courses. And he or she also is the frequent visitor to this blog.
I would like to invite him or her to drop a line of words in this blog or send direct an email (lukmanw@uum.edu.my). Maybe he or she can give a comment about my blog or my teaching materials.
Thanks and best regards
Lukman Bin Wan Mat Daud