Buku ERM: Disaster Preparedness & Recovery for samal businesses
Prepare for the worst, Plan for the best; buku Donald R. Childs ini patut dimiliki oleh mereka yang ingin mengetahui lebih mendalam mengenai ERM (Emergency Response Management).
Kandungannya masih bertunjangkan falsafah “prepare for the worst, expect the best” yang dipopularkan oleh Raja Marketing, Zig Zigler. Bagaimanapun pendekatan asal ERM iaitu 4 elemen; Preparedness, Response, Recovery dan Mitigation (seperti rajah dibawah) diperhalusi semula dengan 4 elemen yang hampir sama iaitu yang dikenali 2P2R iaitu elemen Prevention (dan mitigation), Preparedness, Response dan Recovery.
Buku yang berharga kurang 20 sen genap RM 100.00 ini dibeli oleh seorang pelajar saya di Kedai Buku MPH di KL. Malangnya di kedai tersebut hanya tinggal sebuah sahaja. Tidak pasti sama ada cawangan MPH lain masih terdapat buku ini. Saya ke Kedai Buku MPH di Ipoh dan Taiping tetapi buku ini tidak terdapat di sana dan perlu ditempah jika ingin memilikinya.
Prevention, preparedness, response and recovery (2P2R) program:
Prevention/mitigation activities, which seek to eliminate or reduce the impact of hazards themselves and/or to reduce the susceptibility and increase the resilience of the community subject to the impact of those hazards;
Preparedness activities, which establish arrangements and plans and provide education and information to prepare the community to deal effectively with such emergencies and disasters as may eventuate;
Response activities, which activate preparedness arrangements and plans to put in place effective measures to deal with emergencies and disasters if and when they do occur; and
Recovery activities, which assist a community affected by an emergency or disaster in reconstruction of the physical infrastructure and restoration of emotional, social, economic and physical well-being.

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