Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Selected OSH Messages

  • Safety NOW, Means No Accidents Later
  • Safety Has No Quitting Time, Practice
  • Safety, The Measure of Success
  • Safety, It's Not Automatic, Think About It
  • Tell Me - I Forget, Show Me - I Remember
  • Chance Takers Are Accident Makers
  • ANGER is One Letter Away From DANGER
  • Safety Is Our Mission, Not An Intermission
  • Safety Comes In Cans, I Can, You Can
  • Don't Let Small Injuries Grow, Get Treatment
  • Our Aim No Accidents
  • Let's Cut Out Injuries
  • The Best Safety Device? A Safe Worker
  • The Safe Way? The Right Way
  • Make Time For Safety
  • Safety Is Our #1 Goal Each and Every Day
  • Your Safety is Important to All of Us
  • Think Safety
  • Get in S.T.E.P. Safety Takes Every Person
  • Responsibility is Taken, Not Given. Take.
  • Keep Your Eyes on Safety All the Time
  • Take Safety to Heart - We Need You
  • Accept Nothing Less Than Your Best
  • Safety is Everyone's Business
  • Play It Safe, Don't Strike Out With Safety
  • Working Safely Together Requires Teamwork

Updated: 18-June-2008

Click here for; Why we need OSH Messages?

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