Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Why we need OSH Messages?

One of the greats OSH approach introduced by Tasek Cement GCEO, Mr. Tan Keng Meng is at every meeting to be started with “safety message” and “positive message”. These messages should be written in the minutes.

Why we need safety message?

The following article is the answer.


Safety training is essential to help train employees to think and behave safely on the job. One way to keep employees thoughts focused on safety is with daily safety messages.

Why use Daily Safety Messages?

Some employees come to a new job with more safety or survival sense than other employees. Regard-less of past work experiences, a person coming into a new job needs to be taught the safe way of doing things while all employees need to be reminded. The long term objective of safety training is to help employees learn and implement safety on the job. Safety meetings and safety training can help ingrain the safety behavior needed for the job. Adding daily safety messages to your safety training can help bridge the time between in-depth training meetings and help employees retain what they’ve learned.

Benefits of Daily Safety Messages

1. Reinforce the safe behavior that is needed to do the job safely.
2. Supplement safety training and safety meeting information, helping to “drive safety behavior home.”
3. Provide an opportunity for continuous safety review.
4. Create greater safety awareness through specific focused safety reminders.
5. Provide focus on loss prevention areas of concern.
6. Allow opportunities to give information on new safety rules and regulations.

Approaches to Daily Safety Messages Content

You might ask, “What can I possibly talk about each day? My employees will get bored. Do I have time to even try to come up with a new topic every day?” Whatever the concern, there are various approaches to providing daily safety messages. These include:

The Holistic Approach: The holistic approach teaches safety in all areas, not just the job task.
In this approach, anything on safe behavior, or a safe way of doing things can be the daily safety message. For example, a supervisor may one day remind the crewmembers to drive home safely.

The Task-Oriented Approach: This approach helps to concentrate the workers’ minds on the job activity. This approach is widely used and has the merit of helping the employee to follow procedures exactly. This approach is good for complex processes an often is found in the way of procedure sheets that are checked off as the process is carried out.

The Topic Approach: Yet another approach is to concentrate on a specific message over a period of days. This allows the training to give brief safety messages on a topic that otherwise would tie workers up away from production time. Instead of giving a detailed message that may be forgotten in a few days, a brief daily safety message can help in retention of the training.

Coming up with a List of Daily Safety Messages

Coming up with a list does not have to be difficult. Resources are found all around you. Some of these resources include:

1. Use of the Accident Loss Report – find out what kinds of accidents are occurring, how they are occurring, what body parts are being injured, what preventative measures can be taken, etc. Then prepare a list of safety messages that can be given to help prevent the injuries that you have been experiencing
2. Use of Prior Safety Bulletins – what topics have helped create new procedures, safety messages, and bulletins. Make a list of these topics.
3. Use of Worker Experience – invite the workers who are intimately experienced with their tasks and work environment to come up with lists of safety items, safety concerns and necessary discussion topics. Review these items and prepare a list.
4. Use of Supervisor Experience – invite supervisors to come up with their lists of safety favorites, safety concerns and “should do’s.” Develop a master list for all to use.
5. Use of Procedures - Review procedures, list where errors have occurred, and steps to improve upon.

These topics can go a long way to better production, and better safety.

Length of Time for Daily Safety Messages

The length of time to allot for the presentation of daily safety messages varies according to budget allowances, time limitations, goals of the safety program, etc. A daily safety message may be as brief as a one line safety reminder. Whatever you decide to do, keep in mind you are trying to reinforce safe behavior and keep safety in the minds of employees.

When to have Daily Safety Messages

A good time to have safety messages is at the beginning of each shift. Whether you give the safety message at the beginning of the shift day or at some other time, it is important to give the safety message while the workers are away from their regular tasks. Give them an opportunity just to think about safety.

Ways to Present Daily Safety Messages

Ways to give the daily safety message can be as varied as your creativity. Talking to the crewmembers in person works well; however, you may not be able to get everyone together for a presentation. Some other methods for giving a daily safety message include:
1. E-mail a safety message daily to supervisors to pass onto their crews.
2. Give a list of safety messages to supervisors and let them give a message each day.
3. Post safety meeting messages by time clocks.
4. Have dispatchers give a daily safety message to each driver.
5. Attach a safety message to drivers’ trip folders.
6. Present the safety message over the public address system.
7. Use a calendar with a different safety message posted per day.
8. Hand out a list of safety messages that employees can sign off on as they read.

A Sample Daily Safety Message List

This sample list is presented as an example. The message may also be developed into a longer message for a daily safety session.

*Keep exits clear.
*Clean up grease, spills, slick spots quickly.
*Watch out for sharp corners and edges.
*Never carry anyone on the forklift forks.
*Look around your equipment before your start-up.
*Don’t twist your back while lifting.
*Hang your coat on a hook, not the fire extinguishers.
*Do you know where the fire extinguishers are located?
*Pay attention to what you are doing.
*Don’t’ pass under or reach under a raised load.
*Do you know the hazards of the chemical product you are using?
*There’s no limit to what you can lose if you are unsafe.
*Watch out fro your co-workers

Whether brief or long, daily safety message have helped companies change behaviour and reinforce safe practices.

Try it.


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