Monday, November 28, 2016

RISK ASSESSMENT - Frequently asked questions

RISK ASSESSMENT - Frequently asked questions

How do I do a risk assessment?
What should I include in my risk assessment?
When do I need to do a risk assessment?
Who should my risk assessment cover?
What do I need to record?
Is there a template I can use?
What does 'reasonably practicable' mean?
What is a hierarchy of control?
Is risk assessment a legal requirement?
What do I have to do in terms of fire safety?
Who is responsible for doing a risk assessment?
What training/qualifications do I need to do a risk assessment?
Do I need to use a consultant?
Who do I involve in a risk assessment?
How do I prioritise the actions from my risk assessment?
What are significant risks?
When should I review my risk assessment?
What if one of my employees' circumstances change?
Do I need to sign my risk assessment?
How long do I need to keep my risk assessment for?
Do HSE carry out risk assessments for businesses?
What responsibilities do my employees have?
What if the work I do varies a lot, or moves from one site to another?
What if I share my workplace with other employers?
I have a question about risk assessment for a specific topic or in a specific industry sector.  Where can I get help?
What is a hazard?
What is risk?
What are risk matrices?
What is the difference between a risk assessment and a method statement?
I have a complaint about my employer. Who can deal with it?
HSE only deals with work-related health and safety. Where else can I get help?

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