Saturday, November 14, 2015

Record keeping for accidents - 5 years or 7 years? For retention period

Record keeping for accidents - 5 years or 7 years? For retention period

(Jawapan Sifu OSH saya seperti di bawah)

References -

NADOPOD 2004 Reg. 10

10. (1)Every employer and self-employed person shall record and maintain a register, in an approved form, of— (a) all accidents and dangerous occurrences which have occurred; or (b) all occupational poisonings or occupational diseases which have occurred or are likely to occur, arising out of or in connection with work under his control, whether or not the accidents, dangerous occurrences, occupational poisonings and occupational diseases have been reported under subregulation 5(1) or 7(1).
(2) The record shall be kept at the place where the work to which it relates is carried on or, if this is not practicable, at the usual place of business of the employer or self-employed person and an entry in the registry shall be kept for at least 5 years from the date on which it was made.
(3) The employer or self-employed person, as the case may be, shall send to the Director General before 31 January of each year, such extracts from the registry for a period of 12 months ending on 31 December of each year.

OSH (SHC) 1996 Regulations. Reg. 13 & Reg. 14

13. Investigation into any accident, etc. (1) A safety and health committee shall inspect the place of work, as soons as it is safe to do so, after any accident, near-miss accident, dangerous occurance, occupational poisoning or occupational disease has occured at the place of work. (2) Where a person is employed as a safety and health officer, he shall furnish the chairman of the committee with a report of his findings subsequent to an investigation conducted by him into any accident, near-miss accident, dangerous occurence, occupational poisoning or occupational disease which has occured at the place of work, and the chairman shall, as soon as is practicable, convene a meeting of the committee to discuss the report.

14. Action to be taken on report and recommendation of committee.
(3) An employer shall keep a copy of the report in the place of work for a minimum period of seven years.

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