Wednesday, May 5, 2010

OSH in University

i. Example of Top Management Commitment from university Vice Chancellor

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Aliasman Mohd
Date: Tue, May 4, 2010 at 10:28 AM
Subject: {NRG-SHE INFO} Fwd: Critical Incident on Toowoomba Campus

Something to share.... example of Top Management Commitment from Vice Chancellor of my wife's uni on the incident related to Safety/Security :)

Critical Incident on Toowoomba Campus

In the early hours of Wednesday morning, a male Indian student was approached on the Toowoomba Campus by two men in Car Park 10 at the rear of K Block Building 1 at around 1.00 A.M.

The offenders allegedly held the student at gun point and robbed him of his wallet and mobile phone. While USQ security staff were quickly on the scene, the offenders had fled before police arrived.

The student who was unharmed was taken to Toowoomba police station to make a statement. While details surrounding the incident are now subject to continuing police enquiries, the student has been offered assistance and counselling by the University.

This incident is being taken very seriously and this morning I activated the University’s Emergency Management Group, the multidisciplinary team charged with the management of USQ’s critical incident responses. The University will continue to monitor this situation and will increase patrols and our security presence around the University.

USQ is an open and safe campus and incidents like this are very rare but it does serve as a reminder for all staff and students to be aware of their personal safety at all times and if working after hours to call on the services of USQ Security should they require an escort to their cars.

I will keep you informed of any further developments.

Bill Lovegrove
USQ Vice-Chancellor & President

ii. Vacancy of OSH Manager in local university college

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