Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Tuan-tuan dan Puan-puan yang dihormati sekelian,

Salam dan Selamat Bertemu,

Welcome to the OSHE BULLETIN JULY 2009 Edition.

As like the previous OSHE Bulletins, this edition is packed with highly relevant news and articles for your viewing, reading and knowledge enriching pleasure.

The focus of JULY 2009 OSHE Bulletin are:
1. NINE (9) Steps to a successful SAFETY CULTURE.
2. THREE (3) strategies to a solid safety culture

3. Managing VIOLENCE at workplace

4. Common CHARACTERISTICS of violent workers

5. Ergonomics Assessment projects by Prof. Abdul Shukor (June/July)
6. List of high impact OSHE training modules for your employees.

I will be in Kuching, Sarawak on 28-29 July to deliver a presentation entitled 'MANAGING VIOLENCE at WORKPLACE'. Details in the OSHE Bulletin page 10.

TQ, Please share/forward the OSHE Bulletin to your colleagues and put it up on the Safety & Health noticeboard for the benefits of everybody at your workplace.


Prof. Abdul Shukor.
Your partner in OSHE,
- OSHE & Ergonomics Consultant/Analyst
- Investigation Officer for SOCSO
- NIOSH Malaysia OSH Certification Trainer

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