Thursday, July 9, 2009

Ergonomics Assessment from Prof. Shukor to OSH Pros

A message from Prof. Shukor to be shared with the management of all industries in Malaysia

Respected Ladies & Gentlemen, Salam & Good Day!

In my recent Ergonomics Assessment consultancy work at many companies, I realized that there are still many challenges faced by workers in carrying out their respective tasks in relation to work hazards and health issues. Majority of them are suffering in silence especially on their backs, shoulders and legs. These situations are like a time bomb and urgent actions are needed to diffuse it.

The OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT (OSHA) 1994 requires all employers to provide a safe place and safe system of work for the protection of staff and anyone else who may be affected. This encompasses all places of work and all hazards. SECTION 15, of OSHA 1994, requires that the employer to take measures necessary for the safety & health of employees and these measures to account of the changing circumstances and general principles specified in subsequent sections. Accordingly, he/she must assess hazards and risks associated with the workplace, systems of work, work machinery, substances, articles, PPE, VDU, manual handling etc, as they apply to employees, self employed or others. These findings must be recorded in the Job Safety Analysis report and be acted upon as part of the safety plan. Any changes in (or affecting) the workplace needs a review of the existing assessments.

Benefits of an Ergonomic Assessment.

It assesses the risks and hazards associated with:

*the individual's capacity or ability to do the required work:- does it require unusual capability; endanger those who are pregnant or with a health problem; call for special training or instruction etc.

*the task of work itself: - does the work, systems of work etc, need to be changed; are technological developments reasonably practicable to utilise; is it suited to the individual concerned; could less dangerous articles, substances and system be used.

*the work environment:- is there excessive heat, cold or slippery floors; are lighting levels adequate; is there restricted movement or posture constraints on employees; are there variation in floor/work levels, strong air currents etc.

*manual handling:- can it be avoided by company organisation or mechanisation; where unavoidable, can other reasonable practicable methods such as mechanical aids be utilised; are employees instructed, trained and informed where manual handling is unavoidable; are they fitted for, and using, PPE etc.

The assessment allows for recognition of the hazard, an evaluation of the overall risk and the recommendation of a control mechanism to combat any residual risks.

Your cooperation and concern regarding the above matters are appreciated.

Attached is an informative brochure on Ergonomics Assessment. (
Click here to download the brochure)


Prof. Abdul Shukor

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