Wednesday, March 11, 2009

OSHE Bulletin Edition MARCH 2009

Sdra. Lukman,


Welcome to the OSHE Bulletin Edition MARCH 2009.

Please share the contents of this bulletin, forward it and put it up on the Safety & Health noticeboard for everybody to read and learn.

This BULLETIN has interesting must-read articles including:

1. OSHE Training activities in the current ECONOMIC situation.
2. NRG-NIOSH 2-Day Seminar in Penang, Malaysia - A Brief Review.
3. 'Ergonomics' is more than just a workplace safety element.
4. Understanding Sick Building Syndrome (SBS).
5. Step-by-step approach to identify SBS at YOUR office.
6. 12 health hazards in your office NOW!
7. Amazing news on OSHE!

Take care and Good luck in your undertakings! Hope to be able to contribute in the above areas.


Prof. Shukor. MALAYSIA

Your true partner in OSHE

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