Monday, February 16, 2009

OSHE Bulletin Jan/Feb 2009

Sdra. Lukman, Tuan-tuan/Puan-puan yg dihormati,

SALAM dan Selamat Bertugas.

Welcome to the latest OSHE Bulletin for 2009!

Another challenging YEAR and definitely a VERY challenging one!

Please share the contents of this bulletin, forward it and put it up on the Safety noticeboard for everybody to read and learn.

This bulletin has interesting articles including:
1. Developing a Safety Culture - A Real Challenge in 2009
2. A brief report on 2-Day training session at CTRM Aero Composite Sdn. Bhd. MALACCA, Malaysia (13-14 JAN 2009)
3. My reflection and hope for 2009.
4. What is CTS?
5. Workplace Hazards and How to recognise them?
6. OSHE News from around the globe.

Take care and Good luck in your undertakings! Hope to be able to contribute in the above areas.


Prof. Shukor.
Your true partner in OSHE

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