Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Blog's visitor from Bayern Munich

Blog’s visitor from Bayern Munich

Yesterday and today are very busy days for me uploading all the materials of my teaching classes into this blog.

Actually all uploaded materials are exclusive to all MOSH UUM NIOSH Students 4th Batch (Prai) SMH 5263 OSH MS Course and 3rd Batch (KL) SMH 5253 ERM Course. But I don’t mind if my blog’s visitors (other than my students) download all these materials.

To me, the knowledge of OSH should be share among us. Especially all the knowledge resources came from God the Mighty and I’m just a messenger in this world.

By the way, from the tracker program installed in my blog, I just realized there is a person from Bayern Munich had downloaded all the materials both two courses. And he or she also is the frequent visitor to this blog.

I would like to invite him or her to drop a line of words in this blog or send direct an email ( Maybe he or she can give a comment about my blog or my teaching materials.

Thanks and best regards

Lukman Bin Wan Mat Daud

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